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December 15 - Stanford University, 9th Empirical Management Conference, "Firm decentralization and long-run growth",

slides, Conference schedule 

December 14 - Stanford University, 9th Empirical Management Conference, "Management data update: WMS and MOPS",

slides, Conference schedule 

November 28 - House of Lords' Economic Affairs Committee, "Cracking the productivity code", slides 

November 28 - Department of Business and Trade, Connect Series, "Cracking the productivity code", slides 

November 27 - NESTA, "UK2040 Options Project.

November 27 - LSE POID-CEP and The Productivity Institute, National Productivity Week seminar, "Cracking the

productivity code: policies for sustainable growth", slides, recording  

November 21 - Arenagruppen Think Tank, Sweden, Webinar on Labour Markets and Productivity, "Inequality and

superstar firms", slides 

November 16 - Bank of England, Annual workshop of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) Research Cluster

2, “Productivity, "America's missing entrepreneurs”, slides programme

November 7 - Google, Economic Policy Team Webinar, "Sharing is caring: The role of health information exchange on

patient care", slides

October 18 - E61 and Australian Treasury, Webinar on Non-compete clauses: prevalence, impact and policy


October 13 - GES Conference 2023, London, Panel on The UK's Productivity Problem: Diagnosis and solutions,

"Getting back to (productivity) growth" [with Anna Valero], slides

October 9 - Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), Italy, "Ray of Hope? China and the rise of solar energy",


October 6 - Kent A. Clark Centre for Global Markets, Chicago Booth London, "AI, Productivity and Labour Markets",


October 5 - BREAD Virtual PhD Course, "Economics of renewables", slides

September 14 - LSE Environment Week, London, Public Lecture, "An industrial strategy for the green economy", video.

September 7 - Yale University, Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, "Ray of Hope? China and the rise

of solar energy", slides

August 1 - Singapore Management University, Applied Macroeconomics Seminar, "America's Missing Entrepreneurs",


July 31 - Civil Service College, Singapore, Policy Roundtable.

July 28 - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore: Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society (AMES), Keynote

speech "Management and the Wealth of Nations", slides

July 17 - NBER Research Bootcamp Conference, USA, Masterclass, "The Economics of Organizations", slides


July 17 - NBER Conference on Research In Income and Wealth, USA, “Local and National Concentration Trends in

Jobs and Sales: The Role of Structural Transformation”, slides

July 5 - LSE CEP-POID Economy 2030 Inquiry Workshop, London, slides

June 28 - University of Nottingham, Symposium on Management, Innovation and Firm Performance, Keynote

presentation, "Management and the Wealth of Nations", slides

June 21 - HEC Paris: Conference on "Firm organization and capabilities", Keynote presentation, "America's missing

entrepreneurs", slides

June 19 - College de France: Conference on 'Entrepreneurship, risk, talent and innovation', "America's missing

entrepreneurs", slides

June 16 - University of Manchester: Conference on "Productivity Revolutions: Past and Future", Keynote presentation on

"Management and the Wealth of Nations", slides

June 14 - World Bank: 1st Digitrans Project Retreat, Keynote presentation on "Management and the Wealth of Nations",


May 23 - NBER: Megafirms and the Economy Conference, USA.


May 18 - CEPR/STICERD Workshop, LSE, "Organising Development and The Development of Organisations: Reflection

and Future Directions", slides

May 11 - University of Chicago: IO Seminar, "Ray of Hope? China and the Rise of Solar Energy", slides

May 10 - University of Chicago: The Coase Project Conference, 'Coase Initiative Masterclass in Productivity", slides

May 4 - University of Oslo: Department of Economics Seminar, "Ray of Hope? China and the Rise of Solar Energy",


May 2 - LSE Environment Day, London.

April 14 - University of British Columbia, Canada: Sauder School of Business, "FDI and superstar spillovers: Evidence

from firm-to-firm transactions", slides

April 13 - University of British Columbia, Canada: Department of Economics, "The impact of regulation on innovation",


April 5 - The Royal Economic Society Annual Conference, Glasgow, "Productivity under global uncertainty", slides

March 15 - University of Surrey: Economics Seminar, "FDI and Superstar Spillovers: Evidence from Firm-to-Firm

Transactions", slides


March 14 - University of Padova, Italy: Economics Seminar (online), "FDI and Superstar Spillovers: Evidence from Firm-

to-Firm Transactions", slides

March 8 - MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, USA (online), "The Impact of Regulation and Innovation", slides

March 2 - Keystone Strategy's Antitrust, Regulation and the Political Economy Conference, Brussels, The Rise of

Superstar Firms: Causes and Consequences", slides, video

March 1 - Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport

(DCMS), "The Rise of Superstar Firms: Causes and Consequences", slides

February 9 - NBER Economic Analysis of Regulation Conference, USA (online), "The impact of regulation and

innovation", slides

January 25 - Future of Work and Wellbeing Conference, London, "Innovation and firms"

January 23 - OECD High Level Symposium on Pro-Competitive Policies for a Sustainable Economic Recovery, Paris

(online), "Competition and Green Growth", slides

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