John Van Reenen
Programme on Innovation and Diffusion, LSE
Current affiliations
Ronald Coase School Professor, Department of Economics, London School of Economics
Director, Programme on Innovation and Diffusion (POID), London School of Economics (since 2020)
Digital Fellow, MIT Initiative for the Digital Economy (since 2020)
Editorial Board Member, MicroEconomic Insights (since 2018)
Associate Editor, American Economic Review (since 2016)
Associate Editor, Quarterly Journal of Economics (since 2019)
Associate Editor, Econometrica (since 2021)
Fellow of the Econometric Society (since 2012)
Fellow of the British Academy (since 2010) and member of the S2 Committee
Fellow of the Society of Labor Economists (since 2013)
Research Fellow (since 2010), Institute of Labour Economics (IZA)
Research Associate (since 2006), National Bureau of Economic Research
Senior Research Associate, Harvard Labor and Worklife Program (since 2006),
Research Fellow, CES-IFO (since 2014)
Research Affiliate, Study of Poverty and Inequality Center at Stanford University (since 2006)
Research Fellow (since 1994), Center for Economic Policy Research, IO and Labour
Executive Committee Member, European Association of Industrial Economics (since 2010)
Executive Committee Member, European Economic Association (since 2011)
International Journal of Industrial Organization Scientific Advisory Board (since 2013)
Academic Associate, Charles River Associates (since 2000)
Governor, National Institute of Economic and Social Research (since 2014)
Research Associate, MIT's Blueprint Labs (since 2021)
Previous affiliations
Gordon Y. Billard Professor of Management and Economics, joint appointment in MIT Department of Economics and Applied Economics Group, Sloan School of Management (2016-2020)
BP Visiting Professor, London School of Economics (2019)
Director, Centre for Economic Performance (2003-16)
Professor of Economics, London School of Economics (2003-16)
President of the Economics Section of the British Science Association, 2014
Visiting Professor, Economics Department, Harvard University (2013-14)
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Princeton University (February, 2009)
Denning Visiting Professor of Global Business and Economics (2008-09), Economics Group, Stanford Business School
Professor, Department of Economics, University College London (1994-2003)
Visiting Professor, Department of Economics UC Berkeley (1998- 1999)
Commissioner, City Growth Commission Inquiry (chaired by Jim O’Neill) 2014-15
Commissioner, Inclusive Prosperity Commission (chaired by Ed Balls and Larry Summers) 2013-15
Executive Committee Member of the Fabian Society (2006-2008)
Senior Policy Analyst in the Strategy Unit at the Department of Health (2000-2001)
Partner, Lexecon Ltd. (2001-2002). In 2005 Lexecon were taken over by CRAI
Chief Technology Officer, Polygnostics (1999-2002), a software start-up I helped found
Policy Advisor to No.10 Downing Street (1999-2000), education, enterprise and tax
Research Fellow, Institute for Fiscal Studies (September 1992-February 1999)
Strategy Board on Productivity (academic member) Office of National Statistics (2003-2009)
Editorial Boards -
Co-Editor, Quantitative Economics (2013-16)
Economic Policy (2000-2003)
European Economic Review (1999-2003)
The Review of Economic Studies (1997-2003)
Journal of Industrial Economics (1996-2008)
Journal of Economic Literature (2007-2011)
Associate Editor of the Journal of the European Economic Association (2006-2011)
Editorial Board, Economica (2015-16)
Council Member, Royal Economic Society (2013-19)
Academic Associate, HM Treasury (2003-2010)